One of my passions,besides stitching, is gardening. We have had several days that are sunny and in the high 40's. I can't resist the primroses that are showing up in all the places they sell plants,even the Rite-Aid! I have looked at my dead window box for several weeks. Usually I plan a nice winter box, but with my DH having such knee problems, I guess I was distracted as no nice box got planted this fall. I decided it would be wonderful to look out and see flowers. Now as I stand at my sink, this is what I see:

These little beauties remind me that spring will be here before too long!
Not much to say about stitching. I'm busy doing "Daffodils" by Prairie Schooler. The alphabet part is a bit tricky. I guess that even in my stitching I'm thinking about flowers and spring!