The weather folks said this would be a horrible week! Lots of rain, flooding etc. Today started out fairly temperate and then was suppose to get very cold. The sun was shining but I was expecting to get cold! Well, we just got back from our 2 mile walk and I had on only a sweatshirt!!! You can't believe the weather people. In their defense, the mountains and water play a huge part in our weather. It can be sunny here and raining 15 miles away. We are also in what they call the rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains. That means that the rains come in off the Pacific and hit the western side of the mountains. We are on the eastern side so we get less rain. Before our long walk we went into the yard. I wanted to see what was growing. I could see the daffodils from the window. We never had them bloom this early. I sure hope this is not a prediction of a hot summer!!!!

The hellebores will be blooming soon.

This is Ivory Prince.

Small Iris I have in my garden.

I love St. Francis. He was the patron saint of birds. My Dad always had a St. Francis in his yard. It brings back happy memories of him.

Haven't taken down the Christmas wreath!

I enjoy taking pictures of bark. This is our paper bark Maple.

Just to show how mild the winter has been, these were planted last fall. I always plant these orange whisker pansies for Halloween. I like to pair them with black pansies but this year I couldn't find the black ones.

Love those black veins!!!
Thanks so much for looking and I do enjoy the comments so much!!!