Thank you so much for all the kinds words about my Spring finishes. I almost have all the Easter/Spring things up around the house. I like to do bunnies and eggs for Spring so I will be leaving them up for a bit beyond Easter. We had another wonderful day, temps in the 50's and sunny so the SBA and I took a nice walk to a place about 40 minutes from our house . It is a state park called Penrose Point State Park. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
I am really enjoying this quick little stitch!
Tonight I will be stitching some of the strawberries.
We heard a loud banging on the deck and look who was at our suet feeder. That bird must be at lest 10 to 12 inches long.
The flickers are especially pretty!
Now we are on the walk. Can you believe a wild flower was blooming?!
There were some very big trees. Thanks to the dear SBA, you can see just how large the trees are.
And the ferns. Almost as tall as the SBA.
This is actually under water. Notice the floating seaweed.
I thought is was such a pretty spring green color.
We do have lots of moisture up here. Love that hanging moss!
From the point, Mt. Rainier was spectacular!! Notice the reflection.
Notice the mountains to the left. That is part of the Cascade Range. That let's you see just how tall Ranier is compared to other mountains.
Lots of sea birds were in the water. I'll have a few more pictures tomorrow. I hope you are having a nice restful week-end!