Wow! I so appreciate all the nice things you said about my pillows. They were work but I am glad I finished them. I am enjoying them everyday on the couch! You would not believe our weather!!!! This morning's paper said that the only city in the entire country as warm as we were yesterday was Phoenix- we were hotter(87 degrees) than Miami, Las Vegas, or Houston!! It was record breaking for this area. I did not especially like it! First, I moved here because it is a cool place-temp wise. In addition, it is too early to be that hot. Thank goodness, a marine layer moved in today and the temps are more to my liking. I admit I'm strange, most people loved yesterday! It did bring out many flowers. Whatever the temperatures in your neck of the woods , I hope they are mild and pleasant!
May's Word Play. I am skipping June as I have the PS June already finished and framed.
These are delightful smelling flowers.
The crab apple ,"Golden Raindrops" came into full bloom in just two days!
As did the lilac!
I love this little iris. The colors are wonderful!
The wisteria also made it in about two days!
Thanks so much for joining me. I hope you all have a terrific week!