I planned on this being my blog about Hurricane Ridge. Well, we got up there and took so many pictures that it has turned into 3 blogs. This blog will show the main mountains, second will be the walk along Hurricane Hill, and finally the wildflowers! We often went up here when we visited our family out here. I call Hurricane Ridge ,"the place where I fell in love with Washington!" Since that time I have found more places to love and will share them as I go. I still find this an amazing place. I can't believe that I slept till 8, got up and had breakfast, and finally about 9:30 or so we left the house. I was back in time to dead-head my garden. To think I can day -trip to sights like this will forever amaze me.

We stopped at the visitors center down in Port Angeles to check on the weather up at the ridge. Look at the great color! This is a native tree called the vine maple.

This is a great little tree. When I first got out here, I thought the Vine Maple was a vine-wrong it's a tree!

You pass through 3 tunnels to get to the top.

Wow! Are we having a near death experience????

Mom and her fawn along the road.

We passed two little water falls.

Well, here we are!

We have never seen so much snow in the middle of August! The SBA volunteered help show the depth of the snow.

Several kids were having fun in the snow!

The meadows were just beautiful!!!!

How about a little lunch in the parking lot??

I think we are in paradise!!!!!!!!
Join me tomorrow to take a walk along Hurricane Hill.