I see that I finally have over 100 followers. Thank you so very much. I really appreciate the time you take to read my blog!! This has been a less than great week in Washington. First those awful fires. As of today, the paper says they are 50% contained. So much has been destroyed. I am grateful to those of you who made such kind comments about the fires. Now here in the Puget Sound area we are having some of the hottest weather of the summer. Yesterday was 94 and today more of the same. The problem here is that temps like this are rare so very few things are air conditioned. That even includes things like restaurants. The SBA(Super Blog Assistant-he loads the pictures for me) and I are lucky because we have a basement where we are hibernating! Yesterday we took in a movie. I hope to do a lot of stitching this afternoon as we watch a movie in the basement! I decided to give you a little look at the Lizzie Kate Mystery Sampler Part 2 . I hope to be done with part 2 within a week or so. I do like it so far! Last but not least, a look at my wonderful dahlias!

Does this make you want to stitch this sampler?
Notice the color of this flower.
As you can see, it is on this plant,perhaps a rebel flower!
I love the dark color of this plant.
Thank you so much for taking a look and have a wonderful week-end. We deliver some of the contorted filbert branches to our dear SIL tomorrow!