Last night I finished my second finish for the year, "Meg's Bunny." It will be nice to have it finished for Easter and the Spring. I hope you enjoy the walk around the yard!
This is the same bush that you see in the header only without the snow. It is a species of Dogwood called"Mid-Winter Fire".
This crab apple has kept these tiny golden crab apples all winter.
You have to like moss to survive in the Pacific NW.
I think it looks like green velvet. Can you see the tiny drops of rain left from last night?
Raindrops on roses!
The birds have left berries on the pyracantha.
Our Witch hazel is blooming. The entire tree is covered with these pretty yellow flowers.
More Moss except I think this might be lichen.
Just wanted to show you how green it is up here, even in January.
Here is Meg's Bunny. It is not one of my favorites. I am not a pastel person. However, I decided it would be ok for the Spring season. I changed the last two lines and put our initials on one line and the initials of our Grandchildren on the last line. I was experimenting with the Lakeside Linen Pecan Butter 36 ct. I like the linen and the count, but maybe not a good color choice for this project. The color of the linen and the threads combined to make the project appear rather drab. I wanted a small project to see how I liked 36 count so it did serve its purpose.
My hope is that you all have a wonderful relaxing week-end!!