Hi there cloud friends! I'm sure this is a busy week for many of you here in the US with the big eating holiday coming on Thurs. We were suppose to spend it with our son, DIL, and grand children this year. Due to my back, a 12 hour travel day is just not going to happen. I am not complaining as a dear friend has invited us for dinner. Plus, she won't let me bring anything!! I do have so many things to be thankful for that I think it will be a good holiday. We went out for a very brief walk in the garden or what is left of it, so I have a few final garden photos to share with you . Plus we got some wonderful snow in the mountains. Last but not least, I stared a Christmas sampler at the end of last week.

Well, you can tell I took this photo when the sun was fading. The linen is Lakeside Linen Vintage Examplar, a light pretty color, not this nasty drab color you see here! The design is by Plum Street Sampler called, Promised Lamb. The border is very pretty and the entire design has the look of a sampler.
The majestic Olympic Mountains!
The Golden Rain Drop crab apple is just full of these little golden crab apples. The sky really was that blue yesterday.
The Santa Claus fushia still has a few red and white flowers.
Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog. I hope you all have a wonderful week!