Today was a great day! My dear daughter, her MIL,Sandy, and I had a girl's day in the city. We went for lunch to an area of the city known as Madison Park. I had only been there once and found the area very interesting. There were so many really interesting houses, I need to go back! We went in a totally awesome shop with a great garden center( City Peoples). We had a delicious lunch at a place called Cafe Flora. The food was wonderful. Laurie and I had been there in 1997 when I visited her. It was lots of fun to go back. I was the driver so I didn't get too many shots of that area. We then drove to downtown Seattle and between Laurie and I we got some city holiday photos -thank goodness for red lights!

Some avid knitters decided the trees needed to be kept warm. Very colorful! This was in an area called Pioneer Square.

Cafe Flora

Love those old floors!

Can you tell Christmas is only 5 days away???!!!

The tree is in Westlake Center, a large downtown shopping mall.

The famous(at least in Seattle) Macy's star.

This music sounded very good!

Every year they decorate this Westlake carousel for Christmas.

Even the duck place is decorated.

This was a very colorful shop in Pioneer Square.

Here's my new cross stitch start. I got the pattern from "Just Cross Stitch" magazine, Jan/Feb. 2010. The fabric is Belfast Linen 32 ct. I'm using DMC 3777. It's a nice brick red. I'm going to make this into a small 10 inch pillow to throw on our bed. I have lots of this color in the bedroom.
Hope you enjoyed seeing Seattle at Christmas and thanks for joining me.