First, I want to thank everyone who enjoyed our Olympic walk. It has been raining ever since so I'm glad we took that walk. Also, I wanted to add that my thoughts and prayers are going out to all the folks affected by this awful storm! I hate to see all that damage. It was a bit like that last summer, (but on a lower scale) when the news kept showing us all the damage from the fires in Eastern Washington. When nature gets wound up, it is very scary! On to a lighter note! When we lived in Kentucky, we went to many antique shows in Tennessee, Ohio, and of course Kentucky. We acquired some great hand blown jars. They are very prominent in our kitchen. I love putting seasonal things in the jars. I used to put candy but that was way too tempting for the SBA and me. Now I have fun looking for non-tasty items! Being the Halloween lover that I am, they get quite decorated for the holiday.

Here are the first three. On the far right you can see a beautiful celery vase given to us by my sister and brother-in-law. All of the things you see are hand blown and quite old.
See the Jack-or-lantern and spider web pasta.(Have to cook it to eat it!)
This is my newest addition. It is some sort of pasta called forest couscous. The minute I saw it I knew it belonged in one of my Halloween jars.
This is my very special mustard jar, probably from 1850 or earlier. It has black, orange , and yellow pop corn-not popped of course!!
More pumpkins and bats.
Bright orange lentils!!
Wonderful spooky black rice!! I love it!!
Nearby I have a great brass hand punched strainer, little wax witch looks good hanging in front of it.
This is not old but from a special trip we took. We went to Leland ,MI one fall. This is a Sue Bolt tile that I just had to have.
Well, tomorrow is the big day! It has been pouring all day and they say tomorrow might be a repeat. However, it might slow down by evening and just a few showers are predicted. I have my pumpkins lit and the caldron ready for misting. I sure hope the kids will come. If not, oh dear, the SBA and I will have bags of candy to eat!!!!!!