The SBA and I finally left the house today. He was getting tired of the soup that I made the day before the snow so we set out for our favorite grocery store. If that wasn't enough, we decided to be really wild and crazy so we went to the Y this afternoon. We will need to find other places to walk . You will see from the photos that it will be awhile before walking on our street will be good. I'm staying busy doing mainly 3 things:1. Doing a deep cleaning of the kitchen-that includes polishing furniture , cleaning cabinets, etc. 2. Reading the "Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak. and 3. Stitching my latest sampler to be done for Valentines decorating. This will probably be the end of the winter storm pics. There are still over 300,00o folks without power and the temps tonight will be in the upper 30's. When I crawl into bed tonight I'll give thanks for a warm bed, lights, and the SBA to help keep the bed warm!! Have a great week-end.

My poor witch hazel covered in snow!

This was our street this afternoon.

This slushy mess is everywhere. I stopped at Michaels and it was 3-4 inches deep!

The trusty mailman!!!!

This fog has settled everywhere. I think the ground is colder than the air or something like that.

This was the street this morning. Kind of like a wash board.

Left from two days ago!!!!! Glad we stayed home!!!

More fog!

It's been raining all day!