We got home late yesterday afternoon. It feels like we left late spring early summer and returned to early spring late winter. However, it always feels good to be home and for most of the trip , I was much too hot! Even Nashville was very warm. Folks there are worried because they said they had no winter and are concerned that many of the bugs that get killed off in a nice cold winter simply did not! I will try to get out and take some yard photos tomorrow. Things are blooming in spite of the chilly temps. I worked on my John Foster Sampler the entire time I was gone and 8 hours on the plane, twice ,gives you a lot of time. I tried to plan so that I would have some good fill in areas to work as I hate to do lots of changing of colors and counting while squashed on a plane!!

Who could feel anything but happy coming home to this!

Now we'll add some water!

And here comes the ferry to take us home!

This is a picture of the John Foster. I love the big red house.

The garden maze looks a bit Quaker and the bee skeep is great.

As this shows, I have made great progress on that house. I did change the red that was called for. It was WDW Aztec Red-much too bright and pinkish for my liking. This is DMC 355 a nice brick red. I rarely stitch on that white a linen(antique white)but I love the contrast with so much red and green. Plus the green roof reminds me of our roofs up here in the Pacific NW.
Thanks so much for taking a look and have a wonderful week-end! I'll have flowers and a Happy Easter tomorrow.