Hi all you cloud friends! I have joined Jo again this year for her Advent Blog Hop. Thanks so much to Jo at Serendipitous Stitching for organizing this fun blog event. I am sharing a Christmas sampler this year.

This sampler was offered last year by Melinda at Merry Wind Farm. She offers many beautiful samplers on her blog, Merry Wind Farm. Melinda called her sampler Emmaline Cole 1835. She suggested you could replace the name Emmaline with one of your ancestors. My DH is known as the family genealogist. So I turned to him for help. I wanted the name of a young girl who would have been a good age for stitching a sampler in the year 1835. We found several names on both sides of our family. I also considered the space I had to work with. In honor of his research, I chose his great great grandmother, Rebecca Morris. Rebecca would have been 10 years old in 1835. She is the perfect young lady for my sampler. Thanks to Melinda for designing this pretty little sampler and thanks to my DH for helping me find the right name for my sampler.
I hope you will find this interesting. Jo wanted us to talk about what we do on Boxing Day. Years ago when I lived in Louisville and my sister lived in Cincinatti, we went to a store known as the Santa Shop. Everything was 50% off. I still have lots of wonderful things I bought at that store. Plus I have great memories of the time spent with my sister.
A very Merry Christmas to all of you!!!