Wow! I'm not sure of the answer to my post question! We are just stuck in this 50's, rain every day. We manage a few breaks of sun then the rain is back. There was so much rain in the Cascades that the snow started to melt and then we had flood warnings. We are up nice and high so not a worry for us but definitely for others. I have watched other parts of the country and you poor guys are still getting snow! Well, on to a happier subject-my Easter decorating!

These are my boy and girl bunnies. I always wanted boy and girl bunnies. We got these a few years ago at a 50% off sale after Easter! The eggs are needle felted. The wool furnished by my dear daughter!

I stitched this two years ago. It is a Blackbird Designs pattern. I probably changed some of the color , as I usually do. I can't remember the details. I just love it and hang it every spring over my antique desk in the entrance to our home.

This shows the top of my desk. I have a feather tree, my blue bunny cross stitch, and my white bunny collection. For me, bunnies and eggs symbolize spring as well as Easter and rebirth.

This is my feather tree(new this year thanks to my DH) . It has some of the beautiful needle felted birds by my daughter(Woolpets) . She also made some of the needle felted eggs and some I got at Williams-Sonoma. Hope you enjoy the Easter tour of my home, at least part of the decorations.