I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had our daughter, son-in-law, the SBA's brother, and a couple that are good friends for dinner. We all had a very good time. I, being chief cook and bottle washer, felt quite tired when we were finished. The SBA(super blog assistant(husband) was a huge help this year! My daughter, chief designer for Woolpets, presented me with these three adorable snow people. If that's what the turkey provider gets, it was well worth it! I'll be working these little guys into my winter decorating. In a future blog, I'll be showing you more of her creations. I finished 2 cross stitch projects. The JBW mittens and the JBW lamb. The lamb is for my daughter and she has a real and a created sheep named Hazel. You can meet the imaginary Hazel at the blog"Hazel, Basil, Pudding Pie." I hope to have pictures of the real Hazel soon.

Doesn't he just make you smile?

This cutie too.

I think she's just bursting into song!

The mittens are ready for framing.

Here's Hazel. I'm not sure I like her on the Cappuccino Weeks 30ct. linen. I used DMC white. I think it's a bit small. I may do it over on a different fabric. I'm going to let my daughter decide.
Tomorrow, I'll show photos of my current project. Thanks for looking!