Thanks so much to all of you who expressed support for our Seahawks! Things have settled down just a bit for a short time. I have put my mind back on "normal" things. First, I'll explain yesterday's problem. The nasty posts were not on my comments. Somehow this blog was in my list of blogs that posted recently on my dashboard. We looked at my list of blogs that I follow and it was not there. I have no idea how it got on that list. For the time being I am just skipping all the posts. Hopefully ignoring them will make them go away. We did try to report it to Google but that didn't work. Now on to much better things. I am almost finished with "Hearts and Flowers" by Carriage House Samplings. It is an older chart so I have decided to give it away when I am finished ( 2 or 3 days). If you would like this chart, just let me know in the comments on this post. I'm also showing you a few pretty pictures from my yard walk today.

The linen is Lakeside Linen Sand Dune, much prettier than the drab looking linen in this photo.
Here is my crazy daffodil that thinks it is Spring!
It's relatives have the good sense to stay in the ground!
I love Witch Hazel trees this time of year! They are covered with pretty blooms. We need to go over to the UW Arboretum. They have many different varieties and colors.
These flowers have a nice smell.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and thanks so much for joining me!