FYI ,I'm actually typing this! Thanks so much for all your well wishes,they mean a lot! I never knew how useful teeth could be getting things done. Since I'm not able to show any cross stitch updates, I decided to share the first sampler I did after moving to Washington. First, I need to say that while living in Louisville, I was spoiled with a very good LNS. Out here, I have to travel almost all day to get to a shop. That includes a thirty dollar ferry ride. The first summer we were here, we took a day trip to Victoria,BC. I found a cute little shop called Buttons&Needlework Boutique. I bought the biggest sampler I could find not knowing when I would get back. I'm showing you that sampler today. I have now discovered the wonderful world of on-line cross stitch supplies! Life is good! I love Victoria so I'm including pictures of this lovely town. These pictures were taken when a dear friend and her husband were here at Christmas. We went up to have Christmas tea at famous Empress Hotel.

Rhoda Hastings 1863 by Samplers and Such. I used the recommended linen and threads.
This is at the bottom. She included many family names.
This is the top portion. Stitching this took several months!
To get to Victoria, we have to drive to Port Angeles ,WA, then take a ferry across the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
Victoria is the capital of B.C. so there are many government buildings.
This was taken inside the Empress Hotel.
Getting ready for the tea.
We are on the ferry going home. You see many of these little sea planes.
Thank you so much for taking a look at my blog. I hope you all have a wonderful week-end!!