The title tells you about three of my favorite things. First, I finished the "SM 1841" sampler. I think I'll keep it up just in Feb. and then again around the 4th of July because I chose to do it in red,white, and blue. I really don't love the design. I have started, I should say just barely started, Rebecca Robinson. It's quite large and will take awhile. I know I have a few small spring/Easter things I want to do. So I'll interrupt the big sampler to do some smalls.
Now for the book. I just finished reading "The Book Thief." Sorry for not providing the author but I gave the book to my daughter this morning. I found it to be a very amazing story. Very different but an amazing read. It is intended for high school age readers, but I think it had much to offer adult readers as well. Not what I would call a "light"read, but well worth the time spent reading!
I took the flower pictures at the market. I'm trying to figure out where I can put some primrose. They are so pretty. We had a hard freeze last night and they were all tucked under a roof at the market. I think I'll just wait a bit! Last year I put them in my window box but I do like the heaths and heathers that we put in the box last fall. I don't want to tear them out for primrose! We'll just have to see.
Well, thanks for taking a look and have a wonderful week-end!

Sorry for the strange lines on the photo.

Here it is in the frame I robbed from the coverlet room.

Hellebores! I love these flowers.

Spring in a pot!

The market had a lot of plant combos with primrose.

We try to keep things local!

Here are my Ivory Prince hellebores. A ways to go.

We are very good at growing weeds in the winter here in the Pacific NW!!!!!