Well, a fairly busy week-end is over and this looks like a busy week ahead. I volunteer at a school and usually go on Thurs. PM. Tomorrow they are having quite a program to judge what they know about the Constitution-judges and all. I will be going in early to help with the set-up. I think it will be very interesting. As you can see from the pictures, we have had a very sunny day. In fact, according to the weather man we are short 2 inches of rain for the month of Dec. That's really not too good out here. Things that grow depend on our wet winters. Our sun-set is at 4:15. I'll be glad to see the solstice and see our days growing longer. We did get out for a long walk and took some pictures.

This is my prize pyracantha. I'm growing it on the far side of the garage. You can see it as you drive up our street. It is somewhat espaliered.

These berries will stay on for quite awhile.

I have done several of these Prairie Schooler monthly designs. I like them because I can use the same frame for them all . That saves quite a bit of money and time with the framing.

I want to visit one of those little cabins!

This has been done for several years. In fact, I worked on it a lot while we were moving out here. When the SBA was driving, I did this cross stitch. It was a very large count so it was easy to do in the car. It is the Winter Sampler by Butternut Road. I used the recommended floss and fabric. I finished the large blue motif while visiting our family in Germany. I have lots of memories associated with stitching this sampler.

This was the first time I used metallic floss.

The moth is very fuzzy. I had to get a special comb to fluff the wings.

As I was coming down the stairs this morning, I saw this reflection on the wall and thought it was pretty.
Have a great week and GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!