Thanks so much to all of you that made such nice comments about my
SIL's Christmas decorating. I know that she looked at the blog and
really appreciated your comments. There are a few give-aways I want to
mention. Both Barbara at "To Stitch or Not to Stitch" and Terri at
"Dixie Sampler" have great give-aways going on. Speaking of winning, I
won a wonderful little kit from Mary Ann at "Just Stitching". Thank you
so much Mary Ann! I finished the PS Santa last night. He turned out
great. I will be putting him in one of my frames as soon as we get him
stretched. I am now experimenting with 40 count. What do think about
that count? For those of you who have stitched on it, is it hard on
your eyes? I usually stitch on 32 count. Maybe 36 count would be a
good compromise. I'd love to hear your opinions. I'm just doing a
small design to see how it feels. I want to stitch Mary Gibson but she
will be very big on the 32 count. We had a break in our ever present
rain so I shot a few photos in the yard. I hope you enjoy them . I
know you are all busy, I hope you find time this week-end to relax and
enjoy the beauty of the season!

PS Santa from The Santa Collection III 1996.
Here is the kit from Mary Ann.
I love that little tree. I think this kit is going to make a small ornament.
A view of the decorated house. You see very few wreaths on windows out here.
There are also very few candles in windows. I love that look. Guess it's my Mid-West roots!
Doesn't this rose know it is December??
I love the look of the contorted filbert. Those little green things are its flowers.(I think)
The flowers of the Garrya, an evergreen shrub.
I love the bark on our paperbark maple.
Mid winter fire-this is especially beautiful in the snow!
Welcome to the garden. St. Francis is watching over everything. My Dad always had a St. Francis in his yard. This is in his honor.
Wishing you an early Merry Christmas with my red and green pyracantha.
Have a great week-end!