By now many of you have seen this award. In case you haven't, the word Liebster means favorite in German. This has started as a way for bloggers to help each other spread the word about cross stitch blogs that have less than 200 followers. In the beginning , my most constant follower was my dear daughter, Laurie. Now that I have grown a bit, it is so nice to have contact with people to share my passion for cross stitching.
I was given this award by three wonderful bloggers. First, Beth of "Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles" , second, Chris of "Tot Hill Farm Stitches" and last but not least, Natasha of "A Stitcher's Ramblings. I have loved reading the blogs of these great ladies! Thank you so much! Now it's my turn to pass this award on to 5 worthy blogs.
1. The Blue Star Stitcher. I love her great smalls and the clever way she displays them.
2. Mary at "Stitches and More" Mary does lovely work. We share an appreciation for Sheepish Designs. She has stitched an amazing Santa!
3. Amy at "Sew Amy" While it is not cross stitch, Amy got my immediate attention with her amazing Halloween quilt!
4. Laura at "Stitching My Life Away" There are so many great designs . I was especially drawn to the French Country Bunny.
5. Michele at" Just another Stitching Blog" The last time I looked Michele had exactly 200 followers but her blog was one of the first ones I followed. Michele is a fellow Seattle area stitcher. When I e-mailed her for advice on where to find supplies, she responded very quickly. Thanks , Michele
As part of accepting the Liebster award, it is asked that you pass the award along to 5 bloggers that you have enjoyed. You are asked to do the following:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2.Post the award to your blog.
3.Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
Thank You so much to all of you that take time to read my blog. It's become a community of friends that I value very much!