Welcome to my blog on a very nice warm Sun. afternoon. Thank you so much for taking time to read and comment . I love reading your comments!! I hope it has been a good week-end for all of you.
We finally have summer here in the Pacific NW. Now not the kind of suffering heat many of you have been getting. It's actually funny to listen to the weather people out here. If it is going to be in the 80's they tell you to drink plenty of water and watch the children and animals!! Last night our weather lady scared me! I thought we might be headed to the dreaded 90's. She said that today the heat was on!! This meant it was going to maybe get to 85. Now on the East side of the Cascades, that is another matter. They are in the high 90's. Enough of the weather. I started the Lizzie-Kate Halloween Mystery Sampler. So far, I'm loving it. I bought all the recommended threads and the colors are just lovely. I'm using Salem as a back up. I expect to finish the first part before the second part gets here. So I'll have Salem Village to fill in with. I'm not using the threads that were recommended. The best price I could find on line for the recommended floss was $7.20 a skein. That is a bit over my price comfort level , especially for a seasonal piece. I substituted with threads I had on hand. So far, the words and the date are with GA Black Crow. The skeleton and the little trees are with GA Freedom,and the witch hats are with Weeks Dye Works Mascara. I do think the recommended floss was prettier, just too expensive. Also, the Freedom is quite a bit lighter, it does not look like that in the photo. I have added a few garden photos. Hope you enjoy them.

Lisa,who was the designer at the Primitive Needle before her horrid accident, did a great job with the skeleton type design.
We went to Boston several years ago and took this photo of a very old grave. You can see the similarities.I do think these old cemeteries are so sad as many of the graves belong to children.This little child was only six.
Now if you just like the cross stitch part you can skip the rest of the garden photos.
The mock orange is still wonderful. I love the little bit of red near the center that is part of this variety.
I tried to show the blues, pinks and the white of the delphinium. Notice that a peony is still in bloom!!
This plant is about 5 feet tall.
This is a hardy fuchsia. The bush is covered with these pretty flowers.
Tomorrow I should have an interesting post. The SBA and I are headed over to spend a night on Whidbey Island. Earlier this summer, we realized that we saw more of this magnificent place when we used to visit. So we decided that one goal for this summer was to do more road trips to fairly nearby places. The island is very pretty so I hope you will take a look! Have a great week!!!