We had a fun day on Sun. Our dear daughter is working on illustrating children's books. She is using the wonderful Woolpets as characters. She is very interested in backgrounds. She knew that this a particular puppet show had interesting background so we decided to accompany her to the show. This all took place over in Seattle. I really enjoyed the museum part of the theater. All in all, we had a great day.

They had various displays of previous shows.

There were two amazing chandeliers in the theater. These were made of blown glass. Not my style, however, they were beautiful!

These puppets are part of a collection of Italian puppets.

This is part of the Cook Mark collection circa 1950. They came from China.

A little bit scary looking.

In the past, we went to the theater to see a Makah folk tale. The Makah live on the far NW coast of Washington.

A close up of those Italian puppets.

Here is an example of the background we came to see. It was called a shadow play. After the play we had lunch at a great Mexican restaurant. We love to go to Seattle with Laurie. She lived over there for several years and she knows lots of great places.

We got to the ferry early so we had coffee at one of my favorite coffee places, The Red Twig.

Time to go home!
Thanks so much for taking a look. I have decided to show a few more coverlets on my post tomorrow.