We are back from almost two weeks in Alabama. It was amazing to meet our new little grand daughter , Hannah and spend time with her big brother, Caleb. When your choice of climate is cool and cloudy, the Southeast was very hot and humid , not really to my liking. I have great respect for those of you who do live there. That's what makes our country great, diversity! My DH did lots of projects for our DIL and I huddled inside where it was air conditioned with the children! There is a nice little needlework shop in Huntsville that I was able to visit. I really wish I had time to go to the one in Decatur, but not on this trip. I am so glad I did not stitch the flowers on Hannah's sampler, as my DIL and I changed the colors quite a bit from the charted colors. When I finish, I'll show the final product. I have stitched a lot on a Halloween project and will show the photos in my next post. Today I'm starting August Word Play, then I'll finish the Halloween project, and finally Hannah's sampler. Thanks so much for joining me today!

Three of my favorite people on this earth!
Beautiful Hannah!
Handsome big brother who just conned Grandpa and Grandma to another jump!
When it is 96 degrees, nothing beats ice cream!!!
We spent a day at a cavern. Caleb had gone earlier this summer so he made a great guide!
As I was shopping and talking to the clerk about my love of Halloween stitching, she said look what just came in the mail, you might like one.
Stash!( I'm stitching the cat in black for my DD who has a little black cat named Inky.)
Doesn't that look like fun!!!!!
I hope you are all having a good week! For those of you in other parts of the country and even England, stay cool!