On the day of New Year's Eve, my husband (the SBA) and I decided to visit a place we have not ever seen before, not on any visit to the area or since we moved out here. We had lots of rain last week and Sat. was suppose to be sunny. Plus, we heard on the news that Snoqualmie Falls was really great to see because of all the water rushing down the river thanks to all the rain! We took a ferry to Seattle, had coffee and scones at one of our favorite bakeries(Cafe Ladro), and drove about 30 minutes east of Seattle to the falls. We had a great day. There has been no snow at all this year and we found a few inches of snow as we drove into the mountains. Tomorrow, I'll show pictures of the little mountain town but for today , it all about the falls!

This shows a post card we bought. There was so much spray that we took pictures but didn't leave the camera out long enough to see the quality of our shots. Thankfully we did get some good ones as you will see. The falls looked like this so we knew that if we didn't get good pictures, we could show this one.

Here is how the falls look in the summer when less water is flowing.

This is a foot bridge that you can take from the parking lot. Lots of folks must have heard the same news report that we did- it was quite crowded. Notice the snow.

I love to learn about the history of a place.

Here we are at the falls. The falls are 268 feet. According to the post card, 100 feet farther than Niagara.

Can you believe the spray- I had an instant BAD hair day!

This is a picture of the SBA's coat. I wanted to show how much moisture was in the air. This is not rain!!!!

Here's the river-far below the falls.

This lovely lodge and spa are located at the falls. I also wanted a picture of the snow

The lodge was still all decorated for Christmas.

Tomorrow , I'll be showing the cute mountain town of Snoqualmie. Thanks for taking a look.