Hi there cloud friends! It's been awhile I know. I read blogs everyday but just get lazy about posting. Today, though , I have something special to share with you. As you know, I love ,love the frames by Valley House Primitives. They go perfectly with my style of decorating. So whenever I stitch a special piece, I order a frame from them. I stitched Prairie Schooler Christmas Village. Now that was a big job. I wanted a special frame for it so I contacted Janet. She asked if I needed it before Christmas. I said it would be nice but I didn't know their schedule and I was late in requesting the frame. She said they would do their best and that was all I expected. You can imagine how surprised and pleased I was in a week or ten days to hear the frame was ready . Janet always sends me an invoice and I pay using paypal. Well instead of the invoice, I got an email from Janet saying the frame was to be a gift from her and Mike. It made my day , no month , no year! How very generous they are. The frame is beautiful and will always be so special to me because of their generosity. What a way to get cheered up after carpel tunnel surgery and to feel the real Christmas spirit!

The way I stitched this was to do one house after each project I stitched during the year. I started it last January and after stitching three houses I knew I had to space them out.
This shows how beautifully the frame looks with the design. All the golds and browns are really enhanced by the frame.
I love the school. Every village needs a school house with an American flag!!
See those 53 trees at the top. They became my Sunday evening stitch. Again I couldn't do them all at once!
I chose this for my last picture for two reasons. The first because it shows off the beautiful frame very well. The second because going to Church and celebrating the birth of Jesus is the most important part of Christmas to me.
Thank you for joining me today and a very special thank you again to Janet and Mike of Valley House Primitives!!