Last Thurs. the SBA and I decided that, instead of gifts for our 33rd anniversary ,we would spend a night at the beach. The closest (not prettiest) beach is at Ocean Shores. The Olympic Beaches are just spectacular but a bit too far for just one night. The weather was predicted to be just perfect! As we got about 5 miles from the beach , we noticed a strange cloud hanging over what we guessed was the water. Well by the time we got to the beach, it was totally socked in , cold, windy, and foggy. It stayed that way all day on Thurs. We did go out to the jetty and saw some amazing birds. The biggest treat was the brown pelicans. We had no idea that these wonderful birds were this far north. We were told they migrated up from CA due to a lack of food in CA.

We probably saw hundreds of pelicans.
This scene was out at the end of the jetty. Apparently, there are many little fish this time of year. We were told that this happens each summer. There are many different species of sea birds.

Thank goodness long a long distance setting on the old camera!

A bit like Alfred Hitchcock's " The Birds!!!!"

Fri. AM was warm and sunny in town. I loved the colors of these cute shops!

Wonderful kites!! Love all the colors!

Why are there so many chainsaw artists in the NW????????

In the next blog we will visit a cute little town on the coast. (Fri. am, still no sun at the beach,lots of wind, not so good for beach walking!)