I just sat down to choose the flowers that I want to put on the post and there are so many that I think I'll do it in two posts. I am quite a garden-plant lover so naturally the beautiful flowers in Alaska attracted my attention. I think the cool damp weather and the long hours of light encourage beautiful flowers. It was not fully dark till about 11pm. and it was light by 4am. We are well past the solstice so for quite a few months the plants have had many hours of light! I am not sure of all the names but will do my best.

The beautiful Alaska fireweed. There were fields of this lovely plant.

This was a very delicate plant, not sure the name.

This very tall large plant looked a bit like queen ann's lace.

I believe this is wild yarrow.

This was a large bush like plant. We only saw this near Exit Glacier.

Wild columbine

More beautiful fireweed.

This looked like wild sweet pea.

This is not wild but I wanted to show how tall the blue delphinium grew, up to the roof of a very nice cafe.
Thanks again to all of you that are still on the trip. Doing this part of the blog brings back happy memories for me.
wow...those are some tall delphiniums! mine just bloomed again and we got the first rain in forever and it is now lying on the ground. i am still enjoying your trip!